Idea of creating the project www.welcometoulyanovsk.ru belongs to the company "Internet-Technology" (www.itechnology.ru).
This portal is our present to Ulyanovsk, its citizens, and also guests from other cities and countries.
Target audience of the portal includes, first of all, guests of the city. We tried in details and as interesting as it possible to tell in Internet about our remarkable city, where it is situated and which points of interest are here.
Many people and companies of Ulyanovsk helped us to gather information (see the section "Gratitude"). In creation of the portal took part more than 15 our colleagues, and working out of this project took us half a year.
On the website is presented information about more than 250 different objects, arranged more than 500 illustrations and photographs.
We will be very appreciated if you leave your opinion about our project in our Guest book.